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Before upgrading your PS4 to PS4 Pro you must know what is PS4 Cloud Saves? Because this is very important for those PS4 users who doesn’t want to lose their data when they upgrading their PS4 to PS4 Pro. PS4 Cloud Saves is the best idea for PS4 users when they upgrading their PS4.
PS4 Cloud Saves is the best idea for those PS4 users who have important data in their PS4 hdd. After when they finished upgrading their PS4 to PS4 Pro they’ll be needed those data. PS4 Cloud Savesmeans the PS4 user saving his/ her data on online not on any HDD or SSD. Its saved online.
How to Access PS4 Cloud Saves?
Here is the solution with images. Check it out below:
First you need to go Settings.
PS4 Cloud Saves – Settings
Then go tot he Application Saved Data Management.
PS4 Cloud Saves – Application Saved Data Management
Now, you need to go Saved Data in Online Storage.
Now, you need to go Saved Data in Online Storage
Go to the Download to System Storage.
Here you can download to system storage or delete what you have in the cloud. So, if you are your friends house uploaded it then you go to Download to System Storage. Recently I was at my cousin’s house and I was planned backup Battlefield.
There is the save file now option. Select and hit enter button the game you want to download. Now, check or tick the option and click on download. When you select the Download to System Storage option wait for some time. It’ll take 5-30 minutes as your system health. Once it downloaded, it’s now on your system storage.
PS4 Cloud Saves downloading
Finally, now you can upload the game online and that’s called PS4 Cloud Saves. To upload the game you need to go to Saved Data in System Storage. And select Upload to Online Storage what you want to upload.
On my profile you can set it to the you automatically upload. And you do the buy making your primary PS4. But if you don’t have, you go to the list of those game which you want to upload. Select the, and check it and click on upload.
I’ve read about this online but want confirmation because losing my saves would be disastrous. If I buy a PS Plus account will all my saves be backed up in the cloud and usable on the PS4 Pro?
If I cancel my PS Plus account to my cloud backed up saves be inaccessible? So can I download the saves from the cloud locally so I can cancel PS plus? I have no reason for ps plus other than to back up my saves for when I switch to the PS4 Pro.
==>> i. If you’re going to buy the Pro before getting rid of the other you don’t have to do any of this. When you boot up the Pro it’ll ask if you are switching from a previous PS4. When you say yes it tells you to hook an ethernet cable between the two and power the old one up (not attached to a TV). Then it transfers everything over. Games, saves, etc.
ii. If you buy plus, you can backup your saves to the cloud and re download them on your new system. The PS4 also has a transfer system you can use by physically linking the two consoles (I haven’t used the gat, so no idea how well it works). You can also backup saves to a usb and transfer them that way. The cloud system seems to work better though.
If you cancel plus, you will lose access to your saves, but you need to redownload them anyway to use them so buying plus, backing up and then restoring, and canceling should work fine. You’d likely be paying the month at least.
If you are having trouble upgrading your ps4 hard drive from 500gb to either 1 or 2TB because your ps4 can’t find the update file this solution works hope this helps.
The error code CE-30774-1 is the problem of PS4 could not update the system software using a USB storage device. This problem come sometime when the downloaded data is corrupted.
In these types of situation you need to download PS4 update file and make it bootable usb drive. For creating bootable usb drive follow the below steps:
First Go to PlayStation site and search the PS4 system software update.
When you download the software, the software must be in .PUP file format. If the file format is not in .PUP file format you need to re-download the file.
You Must Know
You can find the PS4 system update file on many sites. But never download or install the update using data other than the official update file provided online by Sony Initeractive Entertainment.
Do not download or install updates by methods other than those described in the system documentation or on this website. If you download or install update data from a different source, by a different method, or on a system that has been altered or modified in any way, the system might not operate properly and might not be able to install the official update data. Any of these actions can void the system warranty and affect your ability to obtain warranty services and repair services from Sony Interactive Entertainment.
Don’t install the system software soon before or soon after a power outage.
Never turn off the system during the software installation. If you interrupting the installation can cause the PS4 system damaged.
If you never update your PS4 system software, you might not be able to use some applications or content.
There are two methods to install the software update
Update using the Internet
If you’re going to online update or fix the PS4 Error CE-30774-1 you need the proper Internet connection. If you’ve slow or broken internet connection don’t try to update the software. Because you’re system will gonna be crashed.
Update using a Disc
Yes, ofcourse you can update PS4 system software using a disc. For update or fix the PS4 Error CE-30774-1 you need a disc that contains an latest update file of PS4.
Update using a Computer
Definitely you can update or fix the PS4 Error CE-30774-1 using a computer. This is the best way to fix the error CE-30774-1.
When you’re going to update or fix the PS4 error CE-30774-1 using a computer you need a USB storage device with min 500MB of free space. Also you need to format that USB storage device to FAT or exFAT. On that USB storage create a folder named “PS4”. Inside that folder create another folder named “UPDATE”. Then copy and paste the file PS4UPDATE.PUP inside the folder to that USB storage.
Now, connect the USB storage device to your PS4 system. Then from the function screen, select the setting > System Software Update.
Sometimes PS4 cannot recognize the USB storage file. On that time please check once the folder names and file name are correct. Enter the folder names and file name in single-byte characters using uppercase letters.
In PUBG (PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS) game there is a total of 100 players in one match. There is Solo, Duo, and Squad mode. If you’re playing Solo mode you need to do play out 99 players from the game then you’ll be the winner. If you’re playing duo mode your team member needs to out 98 players out of the game for the winner. And if you’re playing squad mode your team members need to kill the 96 players from the game. And then last you can say Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.
Nowadays PUBG game is going to the viral game in short time. Because of its popularity and it’s functionality. There are many games in the market but the PUBG game is everybody’s first choice. The players are crazy for the playing PUBG game.
Play PUBG on PS4
Yes, of course! there is great news that you heard. Now, you can play PUBG PS4. It means you can play PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS game on PlayStation4. If you want to increase real gaming experience you must buy PS4 and play PUBG PS4. Really you’ll be big fan of PS4.
Required Specification of PS4 for play PUBG
The user of PS4 needs to buy PlayStation®Plus subscription. In-game purchases optional. If you need to more information about it visit here.
Required Features
Needs 1 player, Network Features, Hard Disk space required minimum 50GB, DUALSHOCK®4 Vibration Function & HD Video Output: 720p/1080p. One- license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.
You have PlayStation4 system and it’s not working properly? Then you need to go PS4 Safe Mode is the best way to fix any problem of PS4.
Safe mode options may restore functions to a PS4 system that cannot startup normally.
Follow the each option properly below instructions for entering PS4 Safe Mode
Shut down your PS4: If the system is turned on, press and hold the power button for seven seconds, until you hear a second beep.
Release the power button and wait until the system lights completely off.
Enter Safe Mode: When all system lights are off, press and hold the power button to turn off the PS4 system on keeping your finger on the button. Then you should hear one beep when you first press the button and another beep about 5 seconds later.
Release the power button after the system has beeped twice (Release the power button after the second beep).
When you see a message directing you to connect a wireless controller and press the PS button, follow these steps below:
Restart System
Restart the PS4: The first option in the safe mode menu is the restart system. You can use this option for exit safe mode.
exit safe mode
Change Resolution
The second safe mode menu is change resolution. This option may help PS4 image, the video isn’t showing up on the TV outside of the safe mode. Select to restart the PS4 and 480p resolution. And that is plays on your TV then you go to settings and goto Sounds and Screen.
PS4 Safe Mode Sound and Screen
Then choose Video Output Settings
PS4 Safe Mode Video Output Settings
Now, you need to select resolution and you can choose the manually maximum resolution that TV supported by your TV.
PS4 Safe Mode resolution
If your PS4 can’t update normally, skip the System Software Update option and you need to go Initialize PS4 & Initialize (Reinstall) option from here.
PS4 Safe Mode Update System Softwareps4 safe mode option
The fourth option called Restore Default Settings: Reverts all system settings to factory defaults.
ps4 safe mode Restore Default settings
Using this option to all system settings to stay away when the system is brand new. You need sign in to the PlayStation that works after the work. So have the correct email and password for your account on hand. Using this option will not delete any data from your system.
Rebuild Database:
May help with a variety of issues.
Its recommended the entire the rebuild database option. If your PS4 showing these types of problems as below:
Contains corrupt data that can’t be accessed or deleted
Stopped working during a system update
Freezes up in the system menu
Displays a message after system startup warning the Hard Disk Drive is corrupted.
If your system is experiencing any of these issues, it’s a good idea to try the rebuild database option. Using this option will not delete anything from Hard Disk except for corrupted data. Rebuilding the database may be taken an hour longer paining the amount of data store on your PS4 system.
Initialize PS4 & Initialize (Reinstall)
ps4 safe mode Initialize PS4
These options should be used after you tried other PS4 safe mode options to before sending your system in for service. Initialization is the last option because you delete all data from your Hard Disk and reset all system settings back to the factory defaults.
If possible you should backup your save games and installation data before initialization.
Saved game data can be copy to your external USB device or can be uploaded online storage if you’re PlayStation plus member.
Creating system backup on your external USB device will allow you to restore installed games after successful initialization.
Once data has backed up re-enter safe mode and choose option Initialize PS4 syste. If you PS4system startup normally after initialization you’ll be fronted to setup your system just like when you turn for the first time. Sign in to your PlatyStation network account and go to the library to download game and video content that you used purchased from PlayStation store. At this point you can also restore data that has been backed up to online storage and external USB devices.
If initialization that not reserve your issue then you should try Initialize PS4 (Reinstall System Software). Follow this instruction on how to install new system software.
ps4 safe mode reinstall system software
You need to download special re-installation version of the PS4 system software and store it on USB storage device.
Then you use Safe Mode option 7 to install new system software after the PS4 has been initialized.
Successful initialization will be followed by system setup and PlayStation Network site in previously.
ps4 safe mode playstation network
If your PS4 system doesn’t work after you’ve tried Safe Mode, it should be sent for service.
The PlayStation is very popular gaming console. It’s the very much popular worldwide. And it’s products are expensive and high quality. If you want to heartily feel the game you must need to by PS4.
If you’ve already bought the PS4 and you’re facing the PS4 Error CE-35694-7 on you PS4. This is the error code that your PS4 gaming console have reached the limit of hard disk.
Many users thinks that 500GB’s HDD is perfect for their PS4. But when it’s not right because when you’re trying to download the game from the PlayStation store. There are showing the game’s size is 20GB & your HDD space is 50GB. But there’s one thing you must know the 20GB of game size which is saw, that’s compressed sized of the game.
When you install the game on your HDD the game’s size will gonna be 4 or 5 time bigger when it’s extracted. So you need to delete your old or you no longer need those games from your PS4 HDD.
The PS4 Error CE-35694-7 is the very common error code. This error message commonly all of PS4users faced. But the error message showing when your PS4 HDD is full or no space is left on your PS4 HDD.
There are some games which is much interesting and addicted games. For example: PUBG, GTA V, Call of Duty etc. These games are need more space for installing in device and when there’s no space on your PS4 HDD this message PS4 Error CE-35694-7 is appear on your screen.
#Method 1
Generally, the error code PS4 Error ce-35694-7 is comes. This is not a big problem. This error is usually shows when misconfigured system files. This problem has comes also when your computer has registry problems.
These types of registry problems you can easily solve with using registry repair tool. There are many registry reparing tools, simply download the registry reparing tool and run the software to fix the error code of PS4 Error ce-35694-7.
#Method 2
PS4 Error ce-35694-7
Simply PS4 Error ce-35694-7 shown when your PS4 game console Not Enough Free Space In System Storage. Here is the full details with pictures, follow these steps.
Go to setting
Go to Initialization
PS4 Error ce-35694-7
Go to Initialize PS4
PS4 Error ce-35694-7
Now, click on Full
PS4 Error ce-35694-7
Here is some questions and answer to solve PS4 Error CE-35694-7
Can I solve this problem permanently?
Ans: Yes, of course. But you need to buy a big size of HDD or SSD for your PS4 Console. For example: 1TB, 2TB etc.
When the error code PS4 Error CE-35694-7 is appear on screen?
Ans: Generally, it appears on the screen when your HDD space is full. It shows when you’re trying to installing any big size of games and there’s a little bit of space on your PS4 Hard Disk. So you need to replace your HDD with bigger size than you already have with you PS4.